We congratulate Omid Reza Abbasi and Xingyu Zheng for receiving an ICA scholarship to participate in the LBS conference. ICA scholarships are grants to support young scientists or professional individuals in advancing their careers in cartography and GIScience to the benefit of the ICA community.
Xingyu Zheng is a PhD student at Nanjing Normal University, China. He submitted a paper on A Hidden Markov model for indoor tracking Based on Bluetooth fingerprinting and Grid filtering.
Omid Reza Abbasi works at Khaje Nasir Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. He submitted a paper on Ranking the City: The Role of Location-Based Social Networks in Collective Human Mobility Prediction.
We congratulate Xingyu Zheng and Omid Reza Abbasi and wish them all the best for their further careers.