
Early Bird rates have been extended to 2 October 2016. Please register before this date to get a cheaper registration fee.
We have also extended the registration deadline for oral/poster presenters to 2 October 2016. Please note at least one author of each accepted oral/poster presentation must register for the conference by 2 October 2016. The infringement of this rule will cost an accepted submission to be excluded from the LBS 2016 publication means.
Please click here to register.
We are please to invite you to the workshop on LBS research agenda, which will be held in the afternoon (13:00-18:00) of November 13, 2016, immediately before LBS 2016. More details regarding the workshop program and venue (will be near the LBS 2016 venue) will be available soon.
This workshop is part of the initiative started by the ICA Commission on Location-Based Services, with the aim to develop a cross-cutting research agenda, identifying key research questions and challenges that are essential for the LBS development in the next 5 or 10 years. The details of the initiative are available here at: http://lbs.icaci.org/research-agenda/.
Anyone interested is invited to attend this workshop. The registration is free. If you plan to join, please register for the workshop by 30 October.
We have activated the registration page. The early bird registration discount ends on 18 September 2016.
Please note at least one author of each accepted oral/poster presentation must register for the conference by 18 September 2016.
Look forward to seeing you in Vienna.
The International Cartographic Association (ICA) has kindly provided scholarships to support young researchers’ participation in a commission workshop/conference. LBS 2016 is one of this type of events.
If you are an author of an accepted full paper or work in progress, please consider applying for that. More details regarding the application guidelines can be found at: http://icaci.org/scholarship/.
As ICA has limited budget for the scholarships, the priority will be given to young researchers (e.g., Master and PhD students) with an accepted oral presentation, particularly those from developing countries.
We just sent out the notifications to all corresponding authors of all the work in progress submissions – in case you didn’t get yours, please inform us at info@lbs2016.org.
Look forward to meeting you in Vienna.
Finally we managed to complete the reviewing process for the full paper submissions. We just sent out the notifications to all corresponding authors – in case you didn’t get yours, please inform us at info@lbs2016.org.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our reviewers who helped us in making the decisions. Thank you very much!
We have extended the deadline for submission of work in progress to 15 July 2016.
Work in progress will be peer-reviewed by the organizing committee with several invited experts. If accepted, you will be invited to give an oral presentation at the conference and an extended abstract or full paper (your choice) will be published in the online proceedings of the conference (with an ISBN). Authors of selected work in progress will be also invited to submit extended versions of their work to a special issue of the Journal of LBS.
For other important dates, please refer to here. Look forward to your submission!
Due to multiple requests, we decided to extend the deadline for submission of full papers to 15 June 2016 to give you two more weeks for finalizing your full papers! See all important dates here. We are looking forward to your contributions!
The International Cartographic Association (ICA) has kindly provided scholarships to support young researchers’ participation in a commission workshop/conference. LBS 2016 is one of this type of events. Please consider applying for that.
For more details, please refer to http://icaci.org/scholarship/ for more details.
The Call for Papers for LBS 2016 is open! Please find all details here. Deadlines for submission are June 1 for full papers, July 1 for work in progress, and September 18 for showcases.
We are looking forward to your contributions! Please feel free to forward the CfP to interested colleagues. Thank you!